7 stars
Personal website built with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS
424 stars
Python API client for ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
1374 stars
Official website for the Raft Consensus Algorithm
Featured on Sing Tao Daily
Web editor and JavaScript-based DSL for generating Maths and Physics MCQs
1189 Challenge
15 active users
Full stack Bible Reading Challenge PWA & SPA in Vue, Quasar, Supabase, and Netlify
13 stars
Cross-platform C++ bubble sheet processing app in Qt and OpenCV
Deep Graph Representation Learning on Corss-border Electricity Trading
Corss-border electricity trading modelling with spatial-temporal graph NNs: GATs, STGCN, and Transformer
Python ODE solver
by Taylor expansion and piecewise polynomial interpolation
Monte Carlo simlation
of magnetic quasi-particle for stable energy configurations
Statistical image classifier
with HOG, SVM, and PCA at global top 10% accuracy
Statistical time-series acoustic sensing
of in-door human presence with autocorrelation and fourier analysis
Pacman AI
with Bayesian Networks, Hidden Markov Models, and Particle Filters
External domain-specific language
for 3D CAD with Backus–Naur form parser, elided Structural Operational Semantics rules, and interpreter in action semantics powered by JavaFX and Ambiguity Resolved Translators
Educational offensive cyber-security Unity game
Linux shell
with program execution, signals, piping, background processes, and process statistics
Multieplayer poker card game
with Java RMI and JMS